Monday, April 25, 2011

Hope Kids and March of Dimes Kids meets Cinderella

When Disney on Ice came to town last month for most it was a another great Ice Capades style show, but for a select bunch of special children it was an event that they will probably never forget.

Together, Hope Kids, The March of Dimes and Disney on Ice put a great event for some special children.

Hope Kids, which is a non-profit organization in Arizona, gives hope to kids that face a life threatening condition. Hope Kids was started about ten years ago with the idea that kids fighting life threatening illnesses need hope because their lives are filled with hospital stays, treatments, cancer treatment ,pokes and needles. Hope Kids give these children something to look forward to, not just their next hospital stay or treatment. Hope Kids provides these type of events free to these children and their families as well as giving them the opportunity to meet other families and make new friends.

March of Dimes is a non-profit organization that was started years ago originally set out to cure polio. Polio today is cured and the March of Dimes were instrumental in doing so. They have now moved on to "Healthy Babies Every Time" and provides work and research to help assure all babies are born healthy. The March of Dimes works with pre-mature babies and supports how these babies should be cared for.

All the children that attended were made up to be either Prince's or Princesses. EVIT, a vocational school in the east valley had their cosmetology students do their make overs. The children were then transported by Limos from US Airways center on Phoenix to the Castle at Ashley Manor in Chandler . The children then received flowers, ate lunch, played games and danced. Later they were taken outside to see a beautiful horse drawn pumpkin carriage coming down the drive with who else but Cinderella. They all met and spoke with Cinderella with ear to ear smiles.

It was celebration of life and fun. One I will never forget.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

McPhee Photography Opening Private Based Studio- Coming in April

 Located in Avondale, Arizona, McPhee Photography will be opening their premier Photographic Studio, providing clients, both corporate & private, the finest in visionary portraiture, portfolio work, fine art, product, head shots, senior portraits and fashion photography services. Our comfortable and relaxed, private based studio is fully equipped exclusively with state-of-the-art Profoto Lighting and rivals the capabilities of substantially more expensive commercial based studios. Watch this blog for upcoming details and specials.